
Sativex Assistance Device


Sativex Assistance Device

Sativex Assistance Device

The new Sativex® applicator: an advanced support tool for upper limb impaired MS-spasticity patients

MS-related spasticity and associated symptoms can pose a significant challenge in many MS patients. Within them, 73% of patients with a ≥10-year-MS duration may have difficulties self-administering Sativex® due to reduced mobility in the upper limb/hands.*

Almirall has been working with MS patients, engineers, healthcare professionals and designers to develop a new, state-of-the-art Sativex® applicator device.

The Sativex® applicator is designed with the intent of increasing patients’ independence, by making Sativex® administration easier when the patient is experiencing reduced hand/upper limb mobility due to MS.

* Kister I, et al. Natural history of multiple sclerosis symptoms. Int J MS Care 2013; 15 (3): 146-58

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